The best of both worlds.

We set out to make a plant-based, carbon-negative wall system that didn’t lose sight of efficiencies or neglect human-scale, craft-focused building.

The StraBloc™ system is for architects, designers, professional builders, and DIYers seeking healthy and authentically sustainable building solutions without the laborious time and cost of other natural build processes.

Our vision is to create a collective of StraBloc™ fabricators and installers, equipped with resources and community support to instill a culture of stewardship and ecological responsibility into our built environment.

Keep it local, to keep it honest. ⁠

If you're a homeowner minding your eco-footprint, it's hard to find authentically sustainable options. The global supply chain obscures the actual costs of many products and makes for a lot of greenwashing in building materials. The StraBloc™ system lives lightly on the earth.